JavaScript Concepts

JavaScript Concepts


JavaScript Tutorial

JavaScript often called as JS is a lightweight, interpreted, and an Object Oriented language which runs on the client side of the web. JS is the most popular scripting language in the world to control web page behaviour.

JavaScript Operators

  1. Arithmetic Operators
  2. Comparison Operators
  3. Logical Operators
  4. Assignment Operators
  5. Bitwise Operators
  6. Ternary Operator
  7. Increment and Decrement Operators

JS Decision Making

  1. If Statement
  2. Else Statement
  3. Nested If Statement
  4. Else If Statement
  5. Switch Case
  6. Break
  7. Continue

JS Loops

  1. While Loop
  2. Do While Loop
  3. Difference between While and Do While loop
  4. For Loop

JS References

  1. String Functions
  2. String HTML Wrapper Methods
  3. JavaScript Math Functions
  4. JavaScript Date Function

JavaScript Date Functions

  1. Date Function
  2. Date.Now
  3. getFullYear
  4. getYear
  5. getMonth
  6. getDate
  7. getDay
  8. getTime
  9. getTimezoneOffset
  10. getHours
  11. getMinutes
  12. getSeconds
  13. getMilliseconds
  14. getUTCDate
  15. getUTCDay
  16. getUTCFullYear
  17. getUTCHours
  18. getUTCMinutes
  19. getUTCMonth
  20. getUTCSeconds
  21. getUTCMilliseconds
  22. setFullYear
  23. setMonth
  24. setDate
  25. setTime
  26. setHours
  27. setMinutes
  28. setSeconds
  29. setMilliseconds
  30. setUTCFullYear
  31. setUTCMonth
  32. setUTCDate
  33. SetUTCHours
  34. setUTCMinutes
  35. setUTCSeconds
  36. setUTCMilliseconds
  37. toDateString
  38. toGMTString
  39. toLocaleDateString
  40. toLocaleTimeString
  41. toTimeString
  42. toLocaleString
  43. toString

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